Sunday, December 4, 2011

So ready.

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Just three more days and we will hit the 9 month mark of waiting to bring John Wesley home.  We are now waiting for our Article 5 to be picked up December 15.  We can receive our approval to travel to China any time after that.  9 months.  That's when you know a biological baby will be coming very soon.  In the adoption world it's all so different.  The wait and wondering is hard to take sometimes.

Please pray that the Lord is watching over John Wesley and that his little heart is prepared to accept us when we meet him.  We already love him unconditionally but all he knows of us are some photos in a little album.

I can't imagine what John Wesley will think of our world.  Today, my friend Kristy who adopted her daughter Mei Li from the Shanghai orphanage recently posted on Facebook about Mei Li's wonder at a  butterfly.  She told Kristy she never went outside.  Can you imagine being 4 years old and never spending any time playing outside?   So, our little boy has never tasted ice cream....or grits.....or felt the grass tickle his feet or had a chance to dig in the yard with an old spoon.

That's okay.  We will be traveling soon.  Soon we will travel to the other side of the planet and scoop him up.  We'll bring him home to the land of grits, sunshine and running barefoot in the yard.  We'll take him to church every Sunday and he will learn to sing "Jesus Loves Me" and someday he will KNOW Jesus really does love him.

So. Ready. To. Go. ready!

1 comment:

Mariah said...

I don't know you but I'm a former student of Toni Jobe's and I came across a post of facebook. We've been "adoption curious" for so long and lately we've started classifying ourselves as PAP's..."pre adoptive parents". We're aren't on paper, we don't have an agency but we do have a to do list. Reading your blog today has made me smile and cry. I'm so ready. I just wanted to encourage you as your journey gets to a new place (because it is really just beginning, right?). Thank you for sharing your story.
